Network Terms

Network and Internet Acronyms, and URL info.web-friend >> help >> lingo  >>Net Acronyms

Last Update: August 25, 2003

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3WCWorld Wide Web Consortium. Collection of professional Internet authorities that define the web.  their site 
AAAuto Answer (modem terminology)
AAPCAdvanced Program to Program Communication
ABENDABnormal END of program (mainframe and programming terminology)
ACFAdvanced Communication Functions
ACISAutomatic Customer / Caller Identification System
ACKAffirmative aCKnowledgement (modem talk)
ACLAccess Control List
ACLSAccess Control LiSts (NT security system)
ACMAssociation of Computer Machinery
ACMAcoustical Coupling Machine
ACRAccess Control Rights
ACSAutomatic Call Sequencer.
ACUAutomatic Calling Unit (modem talk)
ADHAverage Delay to Handle (average time until connected to an agent, server, POP, or ISP)
ADMDADministrative Management Domain
ADSActive Directory partition Server
ADSLAsymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ISDN type connection to the net)
ADSPApple talk Data Stream Protocol
ADUAutomatic Dialing Unit
AFPApple Talk File Protocol
AGCARChived file: Older compression file used by PKZIP
ALDAnalog Line Driver
ANIAutomatic Number Identification
AOLAmerica On Line (Internet Service Provider)
ARLAccess Rights Lists (privileges & access rights to network drives, directories, or files)
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol (Novell)
ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network (beginning of the internet)
ARQAutomatic Repeat Request
ARUAutomatic Response Unit
ASAAverage Speed of Answer (modem talk for connection time)
ASPApplication Service Provider
ASRAutomatic Send Receive unit (modem talk)
ASUAdaptive Start Up (modem talk)
AT1. Asynchronous Transmission
AT2. ATtention (modem talk)
ATTAverage Talk Time
ATDATtention – Dial (modem talk)
ATDTATtention Dial Tone (modem talk)
ATEAsynchronous Terminal Emulation: (service that runs on Banyan)
ATHATtention – Hang up (modem talk)
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
ATPApple Talk Protocol
ATTTATtention Touch Tone (modem talk)
AUIAttachment Unit Interface (IEEE spec. for LAN’s interface between MAU and DTE)
AUPAcceptable Use Policy
AVAuthentication Verification

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B2BBusiness To Business (also seen as b2b)
B2CBusiness To Consumer
BACPBandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
BBSBulletin Board System
BCCBlock Check Character
BDC1.Backup Domain Controller (Type of NT Server on a Microsoft Network)
BDC2.Binary Coded Decimals
BDSBackup Domain Server
BERBit Error Rate
BERTBit Error Rate Testing
BFSBanyan File System
BGPBorder Gateway Protocols
BINDBerkeley Internet Name Domain (How UNIX servers define DNS – addresses); verb: how hardware interacts with network cards / devices
BITNETBecause It’s Time NETwork (academic network)
BIUBus Interface Unit
BNBackbone Network
BNCBritish National Connector (terminator for coaxial+ cable)
BNSBackbone Network Service
BOOTPBOOTstrap Protocol
BSCBinary Synchronous Communication
BSDBerkley Software Distribution (Berkley UNIX reference)
BTSBit Test and Set
BYOABring Your Own Access (Internet access via telnet & your own ISP)

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CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering (mainframe software utilities)
CATContinuous Asynchronous Transmission
CAT5Category 5 (refers to thickness and quality of wiring)
CATVCommunity Antenna TeleVision
CAUControl Access Unit
CBXComputer Branch eXchange
CCCarrier Connect (modem talk)
CCIRNCoordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
CCSACommon Control Switching Arrangement
CCTPClient to Client Protocol
CDACommunications Decency Act (congressional censoring of internet)
CERTComputer Emergency Response Team (investigate internet incidents)
CFMLCold Fusion Markup Language.
CGICommon Gateway Interface
CGMPCisco Group Management Protocol (used in routers, etc.)
CHAPChalenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHATConversational Hypertext Access Technology (“talking” in real time over the internet)
CICSCustomer Information Control System
CIDRClassless Inter-Domain Routing. Routers that contain list of resources (other routers, DNS, and services) which contain IP address.
CIFSLibrary files used by exe/device drivers in Windows 95 (dll format)
CIFSCommon Internet File System
CIMComputer Integrated Manufacturing
CISClient Information System
CISCompuserver Information System
CIUCommunication Interface Unit
CIXCommercial Internet Exchange
CLNPConnection-Less Network Protocol (OSI protocol similar to IP)
CLTPConnectionLess Transport Protocol (OSI transport layer protocol)
CLTCommunication Line Terminal
CMCCommon Mail Calls
CMCCommon Messaging Calls
CMCCommunication Management Configuration
CMIPCertified (Common) Management Information Protocol (OSI)
CMSCall Management System (automated voice & modem routing system.)
CMSContent Management System: came into use with dynamic data on the web with pages such as psp, asp, etc.  Referes to an interface to manage the data on a website.  Sometimes refering to making global changes to an entire site by editing a template.
CNCommon Name
CNACertified Network (NetWare) Administrator
CNECertified Network (NetWare) Engineer
CNTCertified Network (NetWare) Technician
COBRACommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CODASYLConference On DAta SYstem Logic
COMSATCOMmunications SATellite
CRENCorporation for Research and Educational Networking
CRSContent Replication System (part of the NT Backoffice suite that replicates HTML files from one server to another)
CSECertified Systems Engineer
CSLIPCompressed Serial Line Interface Protocol
CSMACarrier Sense Multiple Access
CSMA / CACarrier Sense Multiple Access / Carrier Avoidance
CSMA /CDCarrier Sense Multiple Access / Carrier Detection
CSNETComputer + Science NETwork (academic network)
CSTCertified Systems Technician
CSUChannel Service Unit
CSUChannel Service Unit
CTCPClient To Client Protocol
CTSClear To Send (modem talk)

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DADestination Address (network terminology)
DACSDigital Access on Cross-connect System
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency (started internet)
DBXDigital PBX
DCDDirect (2. Digital) Carrier Detect (modem talk)
DCDData Carrier Detect
DCE1. Data Communication Equipment 2. Distributed Computing Environment 3. Data Circuit terminating Equipment
DCOMDistributed Component Object Model (Networked OLE)
DDDDirect Distance Dialing
DDNSDynamic Domain Name System
DDoSDistributed Denial of Services.  An attack on a web site, server, or ISP that shuts down the service.  Often a worm that requests so much information from the site being attacked that the overload causes a crash.
DDSDigital Data Service (IBM)
DECnetDigital Equipment Corporation (proprietary networking protocols)
DEKData Encryption Key
DESData Encryption Standards
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTMLDynamic HyperText Markup Language
DIWD Inside Wiring (networking terminology common to the physical layer)
d/lor dl, or DL: Download
DLLData Link Layer (2nd level of networking topology)
DLRDOS Lan Requestor
DNADigital Network Architecture
DNSDomain Name Server / (Service) 
(changes addresses: to
DoSDenial of Service.  Attack on an Internet server that causes it to crash.  Code Red in Feb. 2002 requested so much information from servers that it caused them to shut down when they couldn’t keep up with the requests.
DOTdotted decimal notation for IP address in byte (
DOVData Over Voice (when an line is being used for both voice and data transfer) ex. ISDN lines
DPIDistributed Protocol Interface
DSADirectory System Agent (x.500 directory service)
DSLDigital Subscriber Line (fast connection to the Internet vs. using the phone line)
DSRData Set Ready (modem talk)
DSSDirectory and Security Server (IBM’s new directory service for file servers)
DSUDigital Service Unit
DT1. Dial Type (modem terms)
DT2. Dial Tone (modem terms)
DTEData Terminal (2. Transfer) Equipment (a LAN workstation can be one)
DTEDumb Terminal Emulator
DTRData Terminal Ready (modem signal signaling ready to receive)
DTSDigital Termination Architecture
DUADirectory User Agent (x.500 software)
DUNDial Up Networking
DWHData WareHousing

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E – G

ECCError Correction Code
EFAExtended File Attributes (Banyan / Novell)
EGPExterior Gateway Protocol (routing layer)
ELANEmulated Local Area Network
ELFExtremely Low Frequency
EMSElectronic Mail / Messaging System
ENSEnhanced Network Services (Vines Service)
EOTEnd Of Transmission (file transfer marker)
ERASElectronic Routing and Approval System (Hughe’s Aircraft)
ESPEnhanced Service Provider
ESSElectronic Switching System
ETREarly Token Release
EULAEnd User License Agreement.
F2HFiber To Home: technology to provide fiber optic to residential hook-ups.  Standard agreed upon in early 2003
FAPFile Access Protocol
FARNETFederation of American Research NETworks
FCFrame Control (networking terminology)
FC-ALFiber Channel Arbitrated Loop (bus technology – better/faster than SCSI)
FCSFrame Check Sequence (Token Ring)
FD / FDXFull DupleX (modem terminology)
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interchange
FDMFrequency-Division Multiplexing
FECForward Error Correction
FIPSFederal Information Processing Standard
FNCFederal Networking Council (governments attempt to control the internet)
FNPSpecial display effects (wipe, slide fade, ex. screen savers, and/or presentation programs)
FOSIFormatted Output Specification Instance 
FSFrame Status (networking terminology)
FSKFrequency Shift Keying
FSPFile Service Protocol
FTAMFile Transfer, Access, and Management (OSI service and protocol)
FTFSFault Tolerant File System
FTHFiber To Home: technology to provide fiber optic to residential hook-ups.  Standard agreed upon in early 2003
FTPFile Transfer Protocol (method a file is transferred from an internet site to a local computer)
FTDPFile Transfer Protocol Daemon
GANGlobal Area Network
GENIEGeneral Electric Network Information Exchange
GMLGeneralized Markup Language (generic HTML)
GOSIPGovernment Open System Interconnection Protocol (Gvnt. agencies want to use this standard to replace TCP/IP)
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GSNWGateway Service for NetWare
GUIDGlobally Unique Identifier

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H – I

HAMHybrid Access Method
HAPHost Access Protocol
HDLCHigh Level Data Link Control
HDXHalf DupleX
HOTTHot Of The Tree (electronic newsletter)
HPHome Page (the index for a particular web site)
HSLNHigh Speed Local Network
HSRPHot Standby Routing Protocol (to networking what FIFO is to PC’s)
HTMUnix server extension for HTML files
HTMLHyper Text Markup Language (programming for Internet web pages)
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol (1 way information is sent over and internet; travels over the phone lines from a server to a local computer, protocols are agreed upon standards or configurations that computers use)
HTTPSHyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (meaning information sent to and from is encrypted)
IABInternet Activities Board (oversees TCP/IP development)
IAKInternet Access Kit (pre-set icons to AOL, CompuServer, etc.)
IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority (central registry for internet assigned addresses, ports and such – ex: (you can email:
ICAPInternet Calendar Access Protocol (Lotus)
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol (IP suite – generates error message)
ICPAInternet Consumer Protection Agency
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force (governing body behind the internet protocols)
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
IGPInterior Gateway Protocol
IGRPInterior Gateway Routing Protocol (Cisco proprietary protocol)
IIOPInternet Interoperability ORB Protocol
IISInternet Information Server
ILSInternet Locator Service (part of NT’s Backoffice for tracking online items)
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
IMAUIntelligent Multi-Access Unit
IMSInformation Management System
InterNICInterNet Information Center: combined providers of registration ie. who you register your URL to the IP address with
IOSInternet Operating System.
IPInternet Protocol
IPADInternet Protocol ADapter
IPSInternet Personalization System (part of NT’s Backoffice suite)
IPXInternet Package eXchange (how PC’s with different OS’s transfer data)
IPX / SPXInter network Packet eXchange / Sequential Packet eXchange
IQYInternet Query File
IRCInternet Relay Chat
ISAPIInternet Server Application Programming Interface
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network (Internet connection terminology – faster than using a modem, slower than T-1 connection.) Combines voice and data on same medium (or analog and digital if you prefer)
ISMInternet Service Manager
ISOCInternet SOCiety (non-profit organization trying to organize, research, and advance the internet)
ISPInternet Service Provider
ITInformation Technology (replacing the term IS for Information Systems)

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J – L

JANETJoint Academic NETwork
JARJava ARchive (a Java-based archiving format. )
JCLJob Control Language (mainframe programming language)
JDBCJava Data Base Connectivity
JFCJava Foundation Class
JUGJoint Users Group (group of dedicated, perhaps proprietary computers)
JVMJava Virtual Machine (Java is a new internet programming tool)
L2TPLevel 2 Tunneling Protocol
LANLocal Area Network
LAPMLink Access Procedure for Modems
LATALocal Area Transport Area
LBTListen Before Talk
LCCLost Calls Cleared
LCDLost Calls Delayed
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol (one way server(s) manipulate multiple disks / users / and access levels)
LDDILocal Distributed Data Interface
LENLow Entry Networking
LIPLarge Internet Packet
LIPSLightweight Internet Person Schema
LLCLogical Link Control (level of the OSI topology)
LOSLine Of Sight (usually refers to satellite, or dishes that transfer communication data via radio waves)
LTPLocal Talk Protocol
LULogical Unit
LWTListen While Talk

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MACMedium Access Unit (or Multi for token ring, similar to CIU)
MACMedia Access Control
MANMetropolitan Area Network (several LAN’s connected together in a similar geographical region. Hospitals and Colleges use these often to share resources)
MANIACMathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator and Computer (one of the first working Mainframe computer designed and built in the early 60’s)
MAPManufacturing and Automation Protocol
MAU1. Multi- Access Unit (patch panel for IBM to tie to server)
MAU2.Media Access Unit
mbMessage Board
MHSMessage Handling Service
MIMode Indicate (modem talk)
MIBManagement Information Bus
MICMode Indicate Common (modem talk)
MILNETMILitary NETwork (network of various branches of the military (TCP/IP))
MIMEMulti-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (Conventions for internet e-mail)
MLM1. Mail List Manager: used for mass marketing on the Internet (spam)
2. Multi-Level Marketing.
MMCMicrosoft Management Console (NT 5.0 management program)
MMLMathmatical Markup Language (thanks to SyrenSong at for this one)
MNETManager Networking
MODEMMODulate / DEModulate
MOPMaintenance Operation Protocols
MPRMulti-Protocol Routing
MPTNMulti-Protocol Transport Network
MRUMaximum Receive Units
MSDNMicroSoft Developers Network
MSNMicroSoft Network
MSPManaged Service Provider
MTAMessage Transfer Agent
MTUMaximum Transfer Unit (how large a packet/data gram IP transfers prior to TCP returning a status packet)
MUAMail User Agent
MUDMultiple User Device
MUD2.Multi-User Domain (Dungeon) – where multiple persons play games in real time via the Internet)
MVSMultiple Virtual Systems

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NACNetwork Adapter Card
NAKNegative AcKnowledgement
NAPNetwork Access Point
NATNetwork Address Translation
NAUNetwork Addressable Unit
NBSNation Bureau of Standards
NCCNetwork Control Center
NCDNetwork Computing Device
NCOSNetwork Computer Operating System
NDLNetwork / Native Device Language
NDSNetware Directory Services
NCGNetwork Computer Group (IBM division)
NCPNetware Core Protocol
NDISNetwork Device Interface Specification
NDSNetwork Direct Services
NESTNovell Embedded System Technology
Net BEUINetwork BIOS Extended User Interface
NetBIOSNetwork Basic Input Output System
NFSNetwork File System (Sun Microsystems NOS / file system)
NGINext Generation Internet
NHRPNext Hop Resolution Protocol (part of the IP suite)
NICNetwork Interface Card
NICNetwork Information Center
NIPNetwork Interface Protocol
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NMMNetwork Management Module
NMPNetwork Management Protocol
NMSNetwork Management System
NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol (part of NT’s Backoffice Suite)
NOCNetwork Operations Center
NOSNetwork Operating System
NSFNetwork File System
NTDANT Disk Administration tools (NTDAT)
NTFSNew Technology File System (the FAT for Microsoft NT Servers/wkstn)
NWSNetware Web Server

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O – P

ODIOpen Data link Interface
ODIFOpen Document Interchange Format
OHcan mean either On Hook or Off Hook (modem talk)
ODINSUPOpen Data link INterface SUPport
ONOrganization Name (Banyan Vines naming convention)
ONAOpen Network Architecture
ORACLEOn-line Inquiry and Report Generator (Unix database program)
ORGORGanization (part of the Banyan Naming conventions)
OSAOpen System Architecture
OSIOpen System Interconnections (Topology standards for networking)
OSPFOpen Shortest Path First (‘Proposed standard’ for IGP)
OU Organizational Unit
PADPacket Assemble / Dis-assemble (modem and internet talk)
PAMPulse Amplitude Modulation
PAPPassword Authentication Protocol
PARCPalo Alto Research Center (Where first Ethernet network was developed by Xerox)
PATPort Address Translation
PBXPrivate Branch eXchange
PCMPulse Code Modulation (converting voice to digital using a PBX system)
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCNPersonal Communication Network
PDLPage Description Languages
PDMPulse Duration Modulation
PDNPublic Data Network (BBS)
PDSPremises Distribution System (AT&T cabling standards for networks)
PDUProtocol Data Unit (OSI term for a packet)
PERLPractical Extraction and Report Language (a UNIX server based language, used to create cgi scripts and more)
PGPPretty Good Privacy (refers to network security)
PHPPersonal Home Page.  Was used by some free servers like homestead, or geocities for a while as a default file extension.  Currently it has been adopted as an extension for use with Dynamic Databases which call information into web pages. PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PICSPlatform for Internet Content Selection
PINGPacket INternet Groper/Gopher (sending request to another computer server to see if it answers)
PKCSPublic Key Cryptography Standard
POCPoint Of Contact
POFPoint Of Fail
POP1. Point Of Presence (internet and WWW terminology)
POP (or POP3 for version3)2. Post Office Protocol. The protocols used by PC’s to download their email from internet mail servers once PAP has verified your login
PPCPay Per Click.  The process of on web site paying another site for every time a person clicks on the link of the first site.
PPNPeer to Peer Networking (2 computers hooked together sharing resources – no server)
PPPPoint to Point Protocol (replacing SLIP)
PPTPPoint to Point Tunneling Protocol
PRPage Ranking: System of rating a web site or page, popular with Google search engine as method or listing the higher ranked pages in SERPs. (Search Engine Results Page)
PROARBPROteon interrupt ARBitrator (driver for a network card)
PSAPIPresentation Space Application Programming Interface (protocol for accessing an IBM host)
PSNPacket Switching Network
PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
PUCPPhysical Unit Control Point
PWSPeer Web Server

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Q – R

QBSQuality Based System
RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial In User Service (1 way laptops talk to LANs)
RASRemote Access Server
RATRemote Access Trojen
RBOCRegional Bell Operating Companies (Group of major internet service providing companies)
RDReceiving Data (modem talk)
RFCRequest For Comments – Documents that describe internet standards.
RFSRouting Information Protocol (similar to NFS but on UNIX System V)
RIRing Indicator
RIPRouting Information Protocol
RJ-##Registered (or Remote) Jack (RJ-11 for phones, RJ-45 for UTP and other cables)
RLNRemote Lan Node
RNARemote Network Access (by use of Dial Up Connection)
RPCRemote Procedure Call
RSACiRecreational Software Advisory Council (for the Internet)
RSVPResource reSerVation Protocol (Cisco router term)
RTSRequest To Send (modem talk)
RxReceive packets

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SAMSecurity Accounts Manager (database of users on NT’s PDC)
SAPService Advertising Protocol
SAPService Access Point
SASOSuper Automatic Switch Over – New Windows NT technology that allows data from a crashed drive / disk or failed server to be switched over to an alternate server or drive (Similar in function to the array data striping that the Banyan / Unix server uses)
SD1. Send(ing) Data (modem talk) 
SD2. Source Address (networking terminology)
SD3.Super Density (a type of format for the new DVD disks that allows up to 17 Gb of data to be stored on one CD)
SDNSoftware Defined Network (routing through programs instead of hardware)
SESearch Engine
SEMSearch Engine Management, or Search Engine Marketing
SEOSearch Engine Optimization (As a position in a company, Search Engine Officer)
SERPSearch Engine Results Page
SFDStart Frame Delimiter
SFMServices For Macintosh (protocol to allow a Mac to talk to NT servers)
SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language
SGMPSimple Gateway Management Protocol (pre-SNMP)
.shtmlServer Side Includes Hypertext Markup Language file extension
SIGSpecial Interest Group (specialized info over the net – sponsor IRC channels, newsgroups, and various internet sites.)
SLIPSerial Line Internet Protocol (being replaced by PPP)
SMBServer / System Message Block protocol
SMDSSwitched Multi-megabit Data Service (connect TR to Ethernet)
SMSSystem Management Server 
S/MIMESecure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (standard to send & receive encrypted mail)
SMDSSwitched Multi-mega-bit Data Service (new high speed transfer)
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNASystem Network Architecture (IBM proprietary architecture)
SNEWSSecure internet NEWs Servers
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SNRSignal to Noise Ratio
SNSSecondary Network Server (fore-father to the BDC)
SOCKSSOCKet Secure server
SONETsimilar to T1 or t10 except speed is 51,840,000 + Kb per second)
SPESystem Policy Editor (NT’s “poledit”)
SPPSequenced Packet Protocol
SPXSequenced Packet eXchange
SSCPSystem Services Control Point
SSLSecure Sockets Layer (a high-level security protocol developed by Netscape)
STDAStreet Talk Directory Assistance
STMLSimple Text Markup Language
STPShielded Twisted Pair
STPSecure Transfer Protocol

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T – U

TAPITelephony Application Programming Interface
TCP/IPTransfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TGPThumbnail Gallery Post
TIUTrusted Interface Unit
TOPTechnical and Office Protocol
TOUTerms Of Use
TPTwisted Pair (wire)
TPTransport Protocol (old LAN networking standard protocol)
TPATransient Program Area (area in RAM where running programs reside)
TRTerminal Ready (modem talk)
TRToken Ring
TRIBTransmission Rate of Information Bits
TSITime Slot Interchange (before terminals had their own processor)
TSOTime Sharing Option (how Mainframes allocate processor time)
TTYTeleTYpe (how the generic print driver is named)
TxTransmit packets
U/L bitUniversally / locally administered bit (for addressing network info)
UCEUnsolicted Commercial Email
UCMUniversal Cable Module
UDPUser Datagram Protocol (Network protocol for transferring data packets – uses IP like TCP, but doesn’t error check)
UIDUser IDentification (internet, intranet, and server login accesses)
ULSUniversal License System (common license for cell phones)
UNCUniversal Naming Conventions
URIUniform Resource Identifiers (see URL)
URLUniform Resource Locator: The address of a website in text form, ex:  This is translated into the IP or number such as  A “Yellow Pages” for finding a webpage or site.
USNUpdate Sequence Number
UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair
UUCPUNIX to UNIX CoPy (Currently used to describe protocol that transfers news, email, data over the internet.)

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V – Z

VANValue Added Network
VARValue Added Reseller
VDTVideo Display Terminal
VDUVideo Display Unit
VFSVines File System
VINESVirtual NEtworking Software (Banyan NOS)
VIPVines Internet Protocol
VMSVirtual Machine System
VPNVirtual Private Network
VRCVertical Redundancy Check (same as parity check)
VSFVines System Files (A Banyan / UNIX networking and operating system)
VTAMVirtual Transmission of Automated Messaging
VTPVirtual Terminal Protocol
W3Short for WWW or World Wide Web
W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium.  Governing body of the Internet so to speak.
WAHWork At Home
WAISWide Area Information System (Info service and search engine used by many search sites like Yahoo, Infoseek, etc. to retrieve information on the Internet.)
WANWide Area Network
WATSWide Area Telecommunications System
WDDXWeb Distributed Data eXchange
WINSWindows Internet Naming Service (95 and NT 4.0)
WWWWorld Wide Web
WWWCWorld Wide Web Consortium (governing body that proposes standards for the Web)
XMLeXtensible Markup Language (the evolution of html)
XNSXerox Network System
XSLEXtensible Scripting Language – an XML style sheet language supported by the newer web browsers Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape 5

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.altAlternate Lifestype (newsgroup)
.aeroSet aside for the Airline industry.
.arpaUsed for Internal networks (Address and Routing Parameter Area)
.artsCultural newsgroups
.aspActive Server Page (used with dynamic databases to create pages.)
aspApplication Service Provider
 .cfm or .cfmlCold Fusion Mark Up Language
.cgiCommon Gateway Interface.  This is a special script that runs on the server that holds the web page.  It can do many things, from password protecting an area, to formatting email, to calling up specific information and posting it.
.com1. Company, 2. Common 3. Computers for news groups
.coopCooperation Facilities.
.eduEducational Facility
.faqFrequently Asked Questions (usually index page of text files you can download that give definitions / other answers to questions)
.firmBusiness or Firm (domain name)
.ftpFile Transfer Protocol
.grpUsually newsgroups
.govGovernment web sites.
.htmHyper Text Markup (UNIX servers that only accept 3 digit extensions)
.htmlHyper Text Markup Language
.httpHyper Text Transfer Protocol
.intset aside for International Treaties 
.jsjavascript.  Developed by Netscape, it is a standard script language embedded within a web page.  It can be an external file that is called by the web page.
.jspJava Server Page
.milMilitary address (Department Of Defense) 
.museumSet aside for Museum use.
.nameNewer extension for domains with user names (
.noma new extension for NOrMal user sites (this was suggested, but did not go over well)
.npoNon Profit Organization
.php1. From early Homestead and Geocities servers: Personal Home Page. 
2. Current dynamic data pages:’Perl Hypertext Preprocessor’ (this is my own take on the acronmy, feel free to correct this)  Scripting that uses database resources in its’ scripting to supply web pages depending upon the content being requested.  (similar to Microsoft’s .asp scripting)
.proset aside for use by Professional organizations (doctors lawyers, technicians, etc.) 
.pubPublications (Similar to the faq files includes html docs you can read on-line with links to related docs)
.shtmlServer Side Includes Hypertext Markup Language.
.vbsVisual Basic Scripting.  Similar to javascript, made by Microsoft
.xmleXtensible Markup Language (for dynamic data exchange in web pages).  May also be seen as xhtml (extemsible Hypertext markup language)
default.aspUsually this is an index page for ftp sites (file downloads)
index.htmThe index page for http (web) pages, also index.html

Country Code Extensions:

A – G

.ac  –  Ascension Island
.ad  –  Andorra
.ae  –  United Arab Emirates
.af  –  Afghanistan
.ag  –  Antigua and Barbuda
.ai  –  Anguilla
.al  –  Albania
.am  –  Armenia
.an  –  Netherlands Antilles
.ao  –  Angola
.aq  –  Antarctica
.ar  –  Argentina
.as  –  American Samoa
.at  –  Austria
.au  –  Australia
.aw  –  Aruba
.az  –  Azerbaijan
.ba  –  Bosnia and Herzegovina
.bb  –  Barbados
.bd  –  Bangladesh
.be  –  Belgium
.bf  –  Burkina Faso
.bg  –  Bulgaria
.bh  –  Bahrain
.bi  –  Burundi
.bj  –  Benin
.bm  –  Bermuda
.bn  –  Brunei Darussalam
.bo  –  Bolivia
.br  –  Brazil
.bs  –  Bahamas
.bt  –  Bhutan
.bv  –  Bouvet Island
.bw  –  Botswana
.by  –  Belarus
.bz  –  Belize
.ca  –  Canada
.cc  –  Cocos (Keeling) Islands
.cd  –  Congo, Democratic Republic of the
.cf  –   Central African Republic
.cg  –  Congo, Republic of
.ch  –  Switzerland
.ci  –   Cote d’Ivoire
.ck  –  Cook Islands
.cl  –   Chile
.cm  –  Cameroon
.cn  –  China
.co  –  Colombia
.cr  –   Costa Rica
.cu  –  Cuba
.cv  –   Cap Verde
.cx  –  Christmas Island
.cy  –  Cyprus
.cz  –  Czech Republic
.de  –  Germany
.dj  –  Djibouti
.dk –  Denmark
.dm  –  Dominica
.do  –  Dominican Republic
.dz  –  Algeria
.ec  –  Ecuador
.ee  –  Estonia
.eg  –  Egypt
.eh  –  Western Sahara
.er  –  Eritrea
.es  –  Spain
.et  –  Ethiopia
.fi  –  Finland
.fj  –  Fiji
.fk  –  Falkland Islands (Malvina)
.fm  –  Micronesia, Federal State of
.fo  –  Faroe Islands
.fr  –  France
ga  –  Gabon
.gd  –  Grenada
.ge  –  Georgia
.gf  –  French Guiana
.gg  –  Guernsey
.gh  –  Ghana
.gi  –  Gibraltar
.gl  –  Greenland
.gm  –  Gambia
.gn  –  Guinea
.gp  –  Guadeloupe
.gq  –  Equatorial Guinea
.gr  –  Greece
.gs  –  South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
.gt  –  Guatemala
.gu  –  Guam
.gw  – Guinea-Bissau
.gy  –  Guyana
H – M

.hk  –  Hong Kong
.hm  –  Heard and McDonald Islands
.hn  –  Honduras
.hr  –  Croatia/Hrvatska
.ht  –  Haiti
.hu  –  Hungary
.id  –  Indonesia
.ie  –  Ireland
.il  –  Israel
.im  –  Isle of Man
.in  –  India
.io  –  British Indian Ocean Territory
.iq  –  Iraq
.ir  –  Iran (Islamic Republic of)
.is  –  Iceland
.it  –  Italy
.je  –  Jersey
.jm  –  Jamaica
.jo  –  Jordan
.jp  –  Japan
.ke  –  Kenya
.kg  –  Kyrgyzstan
.kh  –  Cambodia
.ki  –  Kiribati
.km  –  Comoros
.kn  –  Saint Kitts and Nevis
.kp  –  Korea, Democratic People’s Republic
.kr  –  Korea, Republic of
.kw  –  Kuwait
.ky  –  Cayman Islands
.kz  –  Kazakhstan
.la  –  Lao People’s Democratic Republic
.lb  –  Lebanon
.lc  –  Saint Lucia
.li  –  Liechtenstein
.lk  –  Sri Lanka
.lr  –  Liberia
.ls  –  Lesotho
.lt  –  Lithuania
.lu  –  Luxembourg
.lv  –  Latvia
.ly  –  Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
.ma  –  Morocco
.mc  –  Monaco
.md  –  Moldova, Republic of
.mg  –  Madagascar
.mh  –  Marshall Islands
.mk  –  Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic
.ml  –  Mali
.mm  –  Myanmar
.mn  –  Mongolia
.mo  –  Macau
.mp  –  Northern Mariana Islands
.mq  –  Martinique
.mr  –  Mauritania
.ms  –  Montserrat
.mt  –  Malta
.mu  –  Mauritius
.mv  –  Maldives
.mw  –  Malawi
.mx  –  Mexico
.my  –  Malaysia
.mz  –  Mozambique
N – Z

.na  –  Namibia
.nc  –  New Caledonia
.ne  –  Niger
.nf  –  Norfolk Island
.ng  –  Nigeria
.ni  –  Nicaragua
.nl  –  Netherlands
.no  –  Norway
.np  –  Nepal
.nr  –  Nauru
.nu  –  Niue
.nz  –  New Zealand
om  –  Oman
.pa  –  Panama
.pe  –  Peru
.pf  –  French Polynesia
.pg  –  Papua New Guinea
.ph  –  Philippines
.pk  –  Pakistan
.pl  –  Poland
.pm  –  St. Pierre and Miquelon
.pn  –  Pitcairn Island
.pr  –  Puerto Rico
.ps  –  Palestinian Territories
.pt  –  Portugal
.pw  –  Palau
.py  –  Paraguay
.qa  –  Qatar
.re  –  Reunion Island
.ro  –  Romania
.ru  –  Russian Federation
.rw  –  Rwanda
.sa  –  Saudi Arabia
.sb  –  Solomon Islands
.sc  –  Seychelles
.sd  –  Sudan
.se  –  Sweden
.sg  –  Singapore
.sh  –  St. Helena
.si  –  Slovenia
.sj  –  Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
.sk  –  Slovak Republic
.sl  –  Sierra Leone
.sm  –  San Marino
.sn  –  Senegal
.so  –  Somalia
.sr  –  Suriname
.st  –  Sao Tome and Principe
.sv  –  El Salvador
.sy  –  Syrian Arab Republic
.sz  –  Swaziland
.tc  –  Turks and Caicos Islands
.td  –  Chad
.tf  –  French Southern Territories
.tg  –  Togo
.th  –  Thailand
.tj  –  Tajikistan
.tk  –  Tokelau
.tm  –  Turkmenistan
.tn  –  Tunisia
.to  –  Tonga
.tp  –  East Timor
.tr  –  Turkey
.tt  –  Trinidad and Tobago
.tv  –  Tuvalu
.tw  –  Taiwan
.tz  –  Tanzania
.ua  –  Ukraine
.ug  –  Uganda
.uk  –  United Kingdom
.um  –  US Minor Outlying Islands
.us  –  United States
.uy  –  Uruguay
.uz  –  Uzbekistan
.va  –  Holy See (City Vatican State)
.vc  –  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
.ve  –  Venezuela
.vg  –  Virgin Islands (British)
.vi  –  Virgin Islands (USA)
.vn  –  Vietnam
.vu  –  Vanuatu
.wf  –  Wallis and Futuna Islands
.ws  –  Western Samoa
.ye  –  Yemen
.yt  –  Mayotte
.yu  –  Yugoslavia
.za  –  South Africa
.zm  –  Zambia
.zw  –  Zimbabwe

A | B | C | D | E – G | H – I | J – L | M | N | O – P | Q – R | S | T – U | V – Z | URL